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Azzedine Bensalem, Speaker at Nanomaterials Conference
Azzedine Bensalem
Long Island University, United States


Azzedine Bensalem, Full Professor. Chairman, Natural Sciences. Ph.D. from Université de Nantes (France), Post-doc at Polytechnic University of New York. Visiting Follow at Ecole Polytechnique, France. Chairman of the Natural Sciences (chemistry, biochemistry, math, and physics). Prior to this appointment, served as Chairman of the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for 12 years, Chaired the LIU committee of Chairs for 2 years, and for several years, Chaired the department Appointment Reappointment Promotion and Tenure committee. 

Azzedine Bensalem's areas of research include largely focused in the area of Materials Chemistry. At the present time, my interest in this area lies mainly in the development of new strategies for the custom design of materials with derived and controllable properties, and of new methods of synthesis. With this in mind, my focus has always been on developing low temperature synthetic techniques. Low temperature routes for the synthesis of new materials are of great interest, since kinetics usually dominates thermodynamics under these conditions. 

The use of low temperatures allows the preparation of solids with very fine particles and very high surface area. These are very desirable properties in a number of applications. Several materials of great technological interest have been prepared in my research laboratory. Indeed, we prepared materials such as Transition metal oxides as well as lithiated transition metal oxides with applications in lithium batteries. The same synthetic technique with a slight modification was used to prepare Nano-materials for electronic and biomedical applications. Recent research work focused on synthesizing Nano-bioceramics with improved bactericidal and mechanical properties for bone-engineering application. 
