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Gbandjaba Nagba Yendoube, Speaker at Nanomaterials Conferences
Université de Lomé, Lomé, Togo
Title : Oxidative stress biomarkers measurement and Paraoxonase 1 status in Moroccan healthy, diabetic and hemodialysis subjects


Paraoxonase 1 (PON 1) enzyme is known to have protective effects on lipid peroxidation. Vitamin E is a chain breaking antioxidant which prevents the cyclic propagation of lipid peroxidation. The aim of the study was to investigate the PON 1 phenotype distribution and to measure oxidative stress biomarkers (Vitamin E/CT, MDA) in healthy, diabetic and hemodialysis patients.

 Three hundred subjects (healthy, diabetic and chronic renal failure patients) aged between 40 and 80 years were recruited for the study. Participants were distributed in three groups of 100 subjects each. In each group, subjects were distributed in two groups, as a function of their age : middle-aged subjects, 40<age<60 years (n=147) and elderly subjects, 60≤age<80 years (n=153).

Plasma Vitamin E levels was significantly different in diabetic (p<0.01) and chronic renal failure patients (p<0.001) when compared to the healthy group. The difference in Vitamin E-Total Cholesterol ratio was also significant (p<0.001) when subjects were divided as a function of their health and age (middle-age vs elderly). Total plasma MDA concentration decreases  with age in hemodialysis  patients  (r= ? 0.10; p=0.40) and in healthy  subjects (r= ? 0.02; p=0.36). The distribution of PON 1 phenotype in healthy, diabetic and hemodialysis patients was in this order : AA > AB > BB. Adjusted odds ratio comparing the AA variant with the BB variant of PON1 were 1.97 [95 % confidence interval (CI): 0.63-6.21] in hemodialysis patients. In diabetic patients, the adjusted odds ratio comparing the AA variant with the AB variant of PON1 were 1.37 [95% CI: 0.62-3.04].

Decrease in plasma PON1 phenotype distribution may be a marker indicated the susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases complication in healthy, diabetic and hemodialysis patients.

Keywords: Vitamin E/ Total Cholesterol; MDA; PON 1; Aging; HPLC.


Gbandjaba Nagba Yendoubé, World Academic Champion-2017 in Macromolecules, has completed his PhD in Biochemistry from Hassan II­University­ Casablanca Morocco in 2013. He also won the PASRES Prize in 2016 and has joined the University of Lomé in Togo as the 2nd Vice President in charge of Communication in the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Natural Substances (Lab COSNat). As a student, he develops a good collaboration with Sherbrooke University, Research Centre on Ageing, Sherbrooke (Qc), Canada and the International Pasteur Institute of Morocco. Dr Gbandjaba is also called the “whistle blower”. His research focuses on the development of oxidative stress biomarkers involved in cardiovascular diseases related to successful ageing. Dr Gbandjaba has published more than 55 pertinent papers in reputed journals, has been serving as reviewer and editorial board member for top rated International journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (clarivate), SCI and DOAJ. Dr Gbandjaba regularly deliver training about how to write and publish a good scientific papers in The West African Chemical Society (SOACHIM) annual meeting for young and senior researchers. After following succesfully the 2019 Associate Programme in Hague, The Netherlands, Dr Gbandjaba serves as a valuable contact and resource person in the national implementation of the Chemical Weapon Convention (CWC) in Togo for OPCW.
