Title : Logistic-modified mathematical model for tumor growth treated with nanosized cargo delivery system
The logistic mathematical approach has been successfully employed to describe an impressive amount of data relating the tumor volume (V) versus time (t). Shortly, the logistic model accounts for the balance between positive Malthusian-like fractional growth rate and terms describing negative growth rates emerging from different mechanisms. However, this approach does not account for tumor regression due to a successful treatment protocol. In this regard the modified logistic model, is herein presented to describe the temporal tumor evolution outside the standard logistic model and includes a time-dependent exponential prefactor to the tumor volume shrinking rate. This exponential prefactor is phenomenologically introduced aiming to describe the temporal effect of an external intervention, leading to an extra tumor volume shrinking, being represented for instance either by the use of a therapy or by an antitumor agent administration, or by the combination of both. The talk will present experimental data regarding tumor volume growth evolution in mice bearing solid mammary tumor subjected to different treatments. The data recorded from the first protocol are successfully fitted using the standard logistic model. However, following a different therapy, the tumor volume growth reaches a maximum value, following its shrinking down to complete remission. The latter result is successfully described by the modified logistic model. Importantly, quantitative evaluation of in vivo assays aligns with the global initiative of minimizing the use of animals while helping to plan comprehensively future experiments.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- The audience involved with cancer research will be able to use the material presented in the talk while performing in vivo experiments
- The material presented in the talk will help the audience in moving forward from qualitative to quantitative analysis
- The logistic mathematical approach is quite general and can be applied in many areas of experimental research