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Viviane Pilla, Speaker at Nanotechnology Conference
Federal University of Uberlândia UFU, Brazil
Title : Photophysical evaluation of aqueous carbon dots synthesized from several raw materials for bioapplication


Fluorescent carbon dots (C-dots) have been increasingly development with a wide range of bioapplications. The use of green synthesis, using raw materials such as seeds, flowers, and other carbon sources, has increased. These C-dots have potential in several bioapplications due to their biocompatibility, stability, relatively low cost, biodegradability, nontoxicity, and environmental friendliness. This work discussed the synthesis of C-dot using different carbon sources obtained from chitosan, seeds, and leaves of plants. Natural dyes were extracted from the leaves of Tradescantia pallida purpurea and annatto seeds in aqueous solutions and used as a carbon source for green synthesis. Natural dyes are pigments with different color possibilities, with various applications in healthcare, pharmaceutical, food processing, solar cell development, bioindicators, biomonitoring, and fungicide probes for fungi. Chitosan-based materials are nontoxic, ecological, biodegradable, biocompatible, and bactericidal. The fluorescence quantum yield (h) values are presented for green synthesized C-dots using spectroscopy and thermo-optical techniques. The value of h was determined by using the mode-mismatched pump-probe thermal lens (TL) technique. Fluorescence spectra and time-resolved fluorescence measurements corroborate the TL results. The photophysical results obtained for carbon dot-based materials will be compared with other C-dots reported in the literature, highlighting possible functional bioapplications.


Dr. V. Pilla studied Physics at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Received her PhD degree in Applied Physics Sciences from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Post-doctorate in Applied Physics at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), and Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP). Post-doctorate in Physical Chemistry, and worked on new fluorescent nanomaterials for bio and environmental applications at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Since 2010 is a professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Has experience in physics, focusing on optical and spectroscopic properties of biomaterials, nanoparticles synthesis, and preparation of several biomaterials for potential bioapplications.
