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Bahman Zohuri, Speaker at Nanomaterials Conference
Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Mexico
Title : Nanotechnology in nuclear reactors: Innovations in fusion and fission power generation


This article explores the transformative potential of nanotechnology and memory metals in enhancing the design and operation of nuclear reactors, encompassing both fission and fusion technologies. Nanotechnology, with its ability to engineer materials at the atomic scale, offers significant improvements in reactor safety, efficiency, and longevity. In fission reactors, nanomaterials enhance fuel rod integrity, optimize thermal management, and improve in-core instrumentation. Fusion reactors benefit from nanostructured materials that bolster containment and heat dissipation, addressing critical challenges in sustaining fusion reactions. The integration of shape memory alloys, or memory metals, further amplifies these advancements. These materials, characterized by their ability to revert to a pre-defined shape under thermal conditions, provide self-healing capabilities, adaptive structural components, and enhanced magnetic confinement. The synergy between nanotechnology and memory metals represents a paradigm shift in nuclear reactor technology, promising a future of cleaner, more efficient, and safer nuclear energy production. This innovative approach positions the nuclear industry to meet the growing global energy demand while addressing environmental and safety concerns.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, Memory Metals, Fission Reactors, Fusion Reactors, Shape Memory Alloys, Nuclear Energy, Reactor Safety, Thermal Management, Structural Integrity, Advanced Materials


Dr. Bahman Zohuri is currently at the Golden Gate University as Adjunct Professor teaching Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as well as a Consultant at Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. a consulting company that he stared himself in 1991 when he left both semiconductor and defense industries after many years working as a chief scientist. After graduating from University of Illinois in field of Physics and Applied Mathematics as well as Nuclear and Mechanical Engineering from University of New Mexico. He is author of the 62 technical and scietefic book is the author who has published a completer book and details about Scalar Wave.

Recently he has been involved with Cloud Computation, Data warehousing, and Data Mining using Fuzzy and Boolean logic. He has published more than 100 papers and articles in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
