Direct Air Capture (DAC) stands out as a pioneering technological advancement in the on-going battle against climate change. Its unique approach, distinct from traditional carbon capture methods, centres on actively extracting carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere itself. Unlike source-based capture, DAC tackles the pervasive issue of greenhouse gas emissions on a broader scale. At its core, DAC relies on specialized materials or chemicals designed to selectively attract and bind with CO2 molecules, facilitating their subsequent removal and storage. This innovative process provides a proactive and versatile means of addressing the escalating levels of atmospheric carbon, thereby contributing to the mitigation of global warming. By directly targeting ambient air, DAC demonstrates the potential to make significant strides in reducing carbon concentrations, offering a promising solution to the urgent challenges posed by climate change. The technology's ability to operate independently of specific emission sources positions it as a crucial player in the comprehensive strategy required combating the environmental impact of human activities. As DAC gains prominence, it exemplifies a forward-looking and adaptable approach, providing hope for a sustainable future through its capacity to actively reverse the detrimental effects of excess CO2 in the atmosphere.
Title : Circumventing challenges in developing CVD graphene coating on mild steel: A disruptive approach to remarkable/durable corrosion resistance
Raman Singh, Monash University-Clayton Campus, Australia
Title : Highlighting recent advancements in electromagnetic field subwavelength tailoring using nanoparticle resonant light scattering and related topics
Michael I Tribelsky, Moscow State University, Russian Federation
Title : The impact of nanomedicine: 30,000 orthopedic nano implants with no failures and still counting
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, United States
Title : Logistic-modified mathematical model for tumor growth treated with nanosized cargo delivery system
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : Current and future of red and black phosphorus nanomaterials
Hai Feng Ji, Drexel University, United States
Title : Azodye photoaligned nanolayers for liquid crystal: New trends
Vladimir G Chigrinov, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Title : Atomistic simulation of chemical ordering phenomena in nanostructured intermetallics
Rafal Kozubski, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Title : The enhanced cytotoxic effect of curcumin on leukemic stem cells via CD123-targeted nanoparticles
Wariya Nirachonkul, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Title : Efficiency of nanoparticles (Micromage-B) in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis
Andrey Belousov, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
Title : Innovative method of nanotechnology application in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis
Andrey Belousov, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine