Nanogenerators have emerged as ground breaking devices, capturing considerable attention within the realms of energy harvesting and nanotechnology. These minuscule generators are crafted to transmute mechanical energy into electrical energy at the nanoscale, introducing novel prospects for energizing compact electronic devices and sensors. The fundamental principle behind nanogenerators lies in leveraging piezoelectric and triboelectric effects, wherein electric charges are generated by mechanical stress or friction at the nanoscale. This implies that even the most subtle vibrations, movements, or shifts in pressure within the environment can be harnessed to produce electricity, presenting an eco-friendly and efficient means of powering diverse applications.
An inherent advantage of nanogenerators lies in their adaptability and scalability. They can seamlessly integrate into wearable devices, biomedical implants, or be embedded in clothing to capture ambient energy from human motion. This capacity holds immense promise for supplying power to remote and portable electronics without relying on traditional batteries. Furthermore, nanogenerators find relevance in the Internet of Things (IoT), where the imperative for efficient and self-sustaining power sources is pivotal for the extensive deployment of interconnected devices.
The progression of nanogenerator technology aligns harmoniously with the escalating interest in green and sustainable energy solutions. By harnessing ambient energy sources, nanogenerators contribute significantly to reducing dependence on conventional power supplies, presenting a more environmentally conscious alternative. Ongoing research and innovation by scientists and engineers aim to refine the efficiency and output of nanogenerators, heralding a future where small-scale energy harvesting assumes a prominent role in fueling the constantly evolving landscape of electronic devices and emerging technologies.
Title : Circumventing challenges in developing CVD graphene coating on mild steel: A disruptive approach to remarkable/durable corrosion resistance
Raman Singh, Monash University-Clayton Campus, Australia
Title : Highlighting recent advancements in electromagnetic field subwavelength tailoring using nanoparticle resonant light scattering and related topics
Michael I Tribelsky, Moscow State University, Russian Federation
Title : The impact of nanomedicine: 30,000 orthopedic nano implants with no failures and still counting
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, United States
Title : Logistic-modified mathematical model for tumor growth treated with nanosized cargo delivery system
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : Current and future of red and black phosphorus nanomaterials
Hai Feng Ji, Drexel University, United States
Title : Azodye photoaligned nanolayers for liquid crystal: New trends
Vladimir G Chigrinov, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Title : Atomistic simulation of chemical ordering phenomena in nanostructured intermetallics
Rafal Kozubski, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Title : The enhanced cytotoxic effect of curcumin on leukemic stem cells via CD123-targeted nanoparticles
Wariya Nirachonkul, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Title : Efficiency of nanoparticles (Micromage-B) in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis
Andrey Belousov, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
Title : Innovative method of nanotechnology application in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis
Andrey Belousov, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine